
pacing - search results

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Here’s a detailed look at how the best runners in the world go about their business.
Use these tips to know how fast (or slow) you are running.
The key to pacing your first marathon or half marathon is to run by how you feel on race day.
It’s not just how fast you start, it’s who you run with.
Patience is epitomised by marathons - you can’t go out too fast or you won’t have anything left to finish.
The fairer sex – but with caveats, study finds
Fighting hard to the finish line, the Kenyan outran her rivals to make history in London BY RACHEL BOSWELL Alex Davidson//Getty Images With three of the four fastest...
A masterclass in the art and science of marathon training from running coach Sam Murphy. BY SAM MURPHY Michael Blann//Getty Images There's no single 'correct' way to train for...

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