
Tag: Marathon Training

Here’s a quick breakdown of these three common types of speed workouts. Aisha McAdams If you’ve ever followed a training plan—or really if you’ve just read...
These expert tips will keep your body running like a well-oiled machine. David Jaewon Oh Odds are good that the marathon (or half) you were planning...
We all know the importance of fuelling up postrace or workout—but some foods you eat after a run can restore muscles, strengthen bones, and...
You might not think about your shins until they hurt. But by then, you could be looking at some major downtime from running. In...
When I first heard about the legs-up-a-wall pose, I had to try it. At the time, I had been ramping up my workouts, but...
DAVID JAEWON OH Whether the past year with gyms closed and more time at home got you interested in lacing up again, or you’re just...
They force us to make a foray into the unplanned, but that’s not always a bad thing. Runners tend to be highly motivated, driven, type-A...
Exercise and sleep are closely related – but you might be surprised exactly how they’re intertwined.
Runners typically love structure. For the most part, we follow our training plans to a tee, nail each pace and distance, and take recovery as serious...